Children aged 3-10 are encouraged to come along to Bethlehem Kids GROW for fun, fellowship and learning about God. Come along over to The Stables between 10 and 11 am every Sunday where there will be activities, crafts, bible investigations, games, teaching lessons and songs. All are welcome. The theme we are exploring this term is 'One Way, Jesus'. This time-slot allows parents to attend either the 9am or 11am worship service with their children.
Held in Excelsior Hall, Bethlehem Kids begins with a sing-along and the introduction of the Bible verse for the week. In the class time which follows there is a Bible story and a craft for the younger children.
Our Sunday school uses the ‘Come and see Jesus’ material which follows the church year. Approximately 20 children attend each Bethlehem Kids session.
In Term 4 we prepare students for a dramatic nativity re-enactment in the Christmas Eve service.
The morning worship services normally include a children’s segment with the pastors which reflects on and emphasises the teaching of the sermon to follow.