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‘Bach at Bethlehem’ Celebration

‘Bach at Bethlehem’ Celebration

Trinity Sunday weekend, Friday 28 May to Sunday 30 May 2021

Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 170 Flinders Street, Adelaide



Bethlehem Lutheran Church is excited to be hosting a weekend of JS Bach music-making on the last weekend in May 2021.  The superb Adelaide Cantata Band will be featured in a Friday concert of cantatas called ‘Exultant Bach’, and a Sunday Vespers service with one cantata presented again.  Other guest musicians will present short Bach recitals on the Saturday afternoon at Bethlehem.

Formed in 2017, Adelaide Cantata Band presents the dramatic and emotionally rich music of JS Bach’s cantatas in vibrant, authentic performances in both concert and liturgy.  Their inaugural concert was held at Pilgrim Uniting Church, Flinders Street, on Friday 11 December 2020 – see their review in The Australian: 

The band brings together an expert group of musicians: acclaimed vocal soloists with a highly skilled Baroque ensemble playing period instruments.

Now Adelaide Cantata Band returns with ‘Exultant Bach’ to Bethlehem Lutheran Church.


Friday 28 May 2021, 6.30pm-7.30pm: ‘Exultant Bach’ Concert

This Friday evening ticketed concert by Adelaide Cantata Band will feature two complete Bach cantatas and other music performed by 12 Baroque instrumentalists and singers.  The programme will include:

  • BWV 12 ‘Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen’
  • BWV 165 ‘O heilges Geist- und Wasserbad’
  • An excerpt from the ever-popular BWV 51 ‘Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen’
  • Corelli’s Church Sonata Op. 3 No. 6 in G major.

Tickets are available online:  - $45 and $35/concession.


Saturday 29 May 2021, 2pm-4.15pm: Short Bach Recitals

On Saturday afternoon, several short Bach recitals will be held in the church and in the newly refurbished Excelsior Hall.  The programme will include:

  • Gina Dutschke (organ)
  • Margaret Pearce (voice)
  • Anna Zweck (flute)
  • Hilary Kleinig (cello). 

 Entry is by donation.  Afternoon tea will be served during the intermission in the Stables.


Sunday 30 May 2021, 7pm: Vespers Service with Cantata (Cantata Talk at 6.30pm)

The cantata BWV 165 will be presented again by Adelaide Cantata Band as part of a Vespers Service.

The service will be preceded by an illustrated talk at 6.30pm in the church by Rev Tom Pietsch on: ‘Bach's Church Cantatas in the Lutheran Liturgy’.


A retiring offering will go to the Bethlehem Music Fund – Bethlehem is co-sponsoring the Adelaide Cantata Band for these performances.