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Bethlehem's Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dear Members,

As brothers and sisters of Christ Jesus, who together share in a heavenly calling, we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses (Hebrews 12:1) – those people of faith who have gone before us, and have lived with trust in Christ Jesus through times of great upheaval and uncertainty. In Christ we are not alone, no matter what circumstances we face in life, no matter how socially isolated we may become in worldly terms.

We are now facing a situation where, perhaps for some time, we will not be able to enjoy the blessings of Christian community as we normally do. This does not mean, however, that we cannot together grow in faith in God, and in love for one another and for our neighbour. We are people who have been baptised into Christ, who together call out on God as our Father, and who, by the Holy Spirit, are free to meditate on God’s word and to do acts of kindness wherever we are – even if we are confined to our homes.

As a congregation we will continue to receive God’s word in worship – in a perhaps far more limited way at the Bethlehem church building, and yet continually in our homes as we set aside time for listening to the Holy Scriptures and for simple and faithful prayer to God. We will work together as a congregation to encourage each other and to show love, even though our contact will in many cases be limited to the internet and to telephone conversations. We will continue to publicly confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. And we will entrust ourselves and our world to the care and protection of God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The district and the congregation

Bethlehem's Leadership have been planning a response to the Coronavirus (COVID19) Pandemic in consultation with the Office Administrators, SP3 Coordinator, Worship Committee and Pastoral Assistants since Sunday 16 March 2020. Yesterday, we received notice that Bishop Altus would like to provide a District-level response about how all congregations in the SA/NT District should act. This message from the Bishop was sent out by email to members as soon as it was received by Bethlehem. It is also on our website and Facebook pages. 

Bethlehem’s planning

Attached to this email is an outline of the planning that has occurred to date, and two different options that we seek your response about how we should proceed in this difficult and fast-changing situation. Please read the attached document carefully and give it your prayerful consideration over the next four days for a decision to be made at the three services on Sunday 22 March 2020 on one of the following Options:

Option 1 – The limited continuation of regular Sunday services and congregational activities, and

Option 2 – the cancellation of  regular Sunday services and congregational activities.

Government regulations and the congregation

The District encourages us to continue with services this coming weekend. In line with the direction from the Federal Government no service can have more than 100 people attend. Given the median age of our congregation places the majority of our membership in a high-risk category, we do not want to risk the Church becoming a transmission source for the disease, even if numbers are kept under 100. For this reason we are taking the extraordinary measure to direct any member who is either unwell or in contact with someone who is unwell, to not to attend public worship for the duration of their illness, during the pandemic.

Some considerations

We would also strongly encourage people over 60 years of age to consider not attending public worship throughout the pandemic. Those who are office-bearers or on a roster should feel no pressure to attend. Please contact the office if you are on a roster and do not want to come to Church. We understand that these are major decisions that faithful congregation members may struggle with. Please know that the Pastors and Church Council are looking at every option to maintain our worship life in a way that places our trust in God and keeps all of our members safe, especially those who are vulnerable to infection.

This Sunday

It is very important that we follow the Federal Government's legal direction. We do not want our ushers or Pastors to be placed in a position where members are turned away from entering the church if numbers grow past the public gathering limit of 100 at any service. This would be a terrible thing to occur. We are praying that enough people consider alternate ways to receive God’s service to his people this Sunday (especially including the use at home of the material provided on the Bethlehem web site), so that we do not place our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ at risk, and that we meet our legal obligation.

The changing situation

Please note that some of the steps outlined in each option may be forced to occur due to daily changes by Federal and State Governments. We will update members as quickly and as accurately as possible. If you decide to not come to Church but wish to respond to the Options presented, please contact the office by e-mail, or by phone (please keep the call brief). Pastor Fraser, Pastor Josh and David Quast are also available to speak with and their contact details are available in the attached document.

Deciding what to do

At the end of each service on Sunday 22 March 2020, Senior Pastor Fraser Pearce and Congregational Chair David Quast will speak to the Options that Church Council is proposing and take questions from members. Once the congregation has decided which Option to take 22 March 2020, a confirmation email will be sent to all members on this list and our website, social media and street sign will be updated.

God be with you

Senior Pastor Fraser Pearce and David Quast Chairperson

on behalf of Bethlehem Church Council


Bethlehem Lutheran Church Response to the Coronavirus (COVID19) Pandemic

At the request of Senior Pastor Fraser Pearce and Chairperson David Quast, Church Council met on Sunday 15 March 2020 and invited the Chairs of the Worship Committee and Pastoral Assistants, with the SP3 Coordinator and Office Administrators and Head Verger to discuss the situation created by the COVID19 Pandemic and how Bethlehem should responsibly and caringly respond to the Pandemic. The discussion considered the options of what it would mean for the congregation to;

1)       Maintain worship and congregational life in a limited form; and

2)       Cancel services and all congregational activities in an attempt to immediately reduce the risk of infection in our community.

A working group, consisting of Pastor Fraser Pearce, David Quast (Chairperson), Karen Pienaar (Treasurer) and Steve McKenzie (Office Administrator) was identified to streamline action when necessary.

In response to the COVID19 Pandemic Bethlehem Church Council is working on 4 principles:

  1. That where possible we maintain our worship and congregational life, even in limited and creative ways, so that people continue to hear and receive the Gospel of Jesus' victory over death. As we plan how to effectively reduce the risk of the spread of infection amongst our members, we trust in God in all things and pray for his guidance.
  2. Strong consideration for Christ’s direction to love our neighbour as we identify the activities we may need to reduce or even stop to give our most vulnerable members and the wider community the greatest chance of protection.
  3. In association with LCA updates -, referring regularly to the Federal and State Government health protocols and directions as they are updated, so that we can act effectively.
  4. Encouraging all congregational members to practise effective hygiene methods; by staying at home when sick; avoiding close contact with others; washing hands with soap and water, and using tissues and covering the mouth when coughing or sneezing.

Having considered the advice sought in the meeting on Sunday 15 March 2020, it is the strong recommendation of Bethlehem Lutheran Church Council that Bethlehem Lutheran Church Congregation, immediately implement Option 1 (see below) from Sunday 22 March 2020 and implement Option 2 (see below) should official public health advice escalate the response to the Pandemic in South Australia. 

Considering that the majority of Bethlehem’s Membership is in a high-risk demographic and our membership is from across the metropolitan area, Church Council consider that it may be prudent to implement Option 2 before all institutions and public venues are closed.

Pastor Fraser and David Quast will be in attendance to speak at next Sunday’s services regarding this response and Church Council is asking members to vote on these options, so that a decision can be made with the support of the congregation.


Most importantly we ask that as you consider these Options, you pray for God’s guidance,and love one another as we work through this fast-changing situation together.


Option 1: Limited attendance of Worship Services and public meetings and activities for Bethlehem Lutheran Church

1)       All members who are unwell should stay at home and not attend worship or public meetings, committee and group activities.

2)       Alternatives for Sunday Worship for those who are sick are to be made accessible on the Bethlehem website: and by emailing or phoning the Pastors  – the option of live streaming a service online is being worked on.

3)       Congregation Members from the 9am service should consider attending the 11am or 7pm services to allow for seating in pews to be spaced;

  1. 1 pew left vacant between seated members
  2. Where possible families/members from the same household remain seated with each other.

4)       LCA Communion Guidelines are followed under the direction of the Pastors.

5)       All physical offerings where possible should cease and offerings should be increased through Regular Electronic Giving (REG) – Adelaide Bethlehem Lutheran Church Reg Account BSB: 704942 Account: 100341640 (or LLL internal account transfer 51624S1). If you have an LLL account, please call the LLL toll free 1800 556 457, and they will be able to organise REG for you.

6)       Passing of the peace continues to take place without physical contact.

7)       Social interaction before and after services should be limited to verbal communication and members should pause the tradition to meet in the front of the Church on Flinders street after service until the Pandemic has officially ended.

8)       Morning tea and after-church lunches should be paused until the Pandemic is officially ended – unfortunately this should include the traditional Easter Breakfast.

9)       Sunday School and Confirmation may still meet on a risk-assessed basis – i.e. can classes/activities be arranged to minimise shared space/ person to person contact – or are there online alternatives that can work for continued education?

10)   All Bethlehem Committees, Youth and Young Adults, Choir, small groups and regular activities and meetings should consider the necessity to meet in person and if possible, either meet by phone or online, and pause any booked dates for public meetings until the Pandemic is officially ended – unfortunately this should include the AGM originally booked for April 19.

11)   A new date for the AGM is proposed: June 7. If this date is adopted by the congregation, Book of Reports will be available from May 24. The deadline for Book of Reports items will be May 17. This is all subject to change.


Option 2: Cancellation & Alternatives to Worship Services, public meetings and congregational activities for Bethlehem Lutheran Church

1)       Immediate cancellation of all public Worship Services, meetings and congregational activities, and closure of the Church and Bethlehem House for public worship and congregational meetings until the Pandemic is officially ended.

2)       Worship Services of the liturgy and sermon are recorded by the Pastors and made available on Bethlehem’s website and recorded on USB/DVD for house bound members.

3)       All physical offerings where possible should cease and offerings should be increased through Regular Electronic Giving (REG) – Adelaide Bethlehem Lutheran Church Reg Account BSB: 704942 Account: 100341640 (or LLL internal account transfer 51624S1). If you have an LLL account, please call the LLL toll free 1800 556 457, and they will be able to organise REG for you. 

4)       Only Pastors, Office Staff and Church Council Members should access the Church or Bethlehem House, as limited to coordinate repair of property or for security issues.

5)       If the law allows, individuals and small family groups may make appointments at the church Tuesday - Saturday between 10:00am - 2:00pm for Holy Communion, private confession, and individual prayer.

6)       Pastors and Pastoral Assistants are contactable by phone and email for continuing Pastoral Care of the Congregation and will only visit in person if necessary. It is a significant concern that the pastors do not become vectors for the virus.

7)       Pastors, the Youth and Young Adult Coordinator and Office Administrators are to work from home, via email and phone. The e-mail may be used for all non-emergency enquiries.

8)       Bethlehem Committees, Youth and Young Adults, Groups, regular activities, Sunday School and Confirmation will need to pause their annual agenda, or meet online or by phone where possible, until the Pandemic has officially ended in Australia.

9)       Emergency Contacts during Option 2are: Senior Pastor Fraser Pearce (0434 926 428, Chairperson David Quast (0431 503 533) Treasurer Karen Pienaar (0439 396 142), Office Administrator Steve McKenzie (Monday -Wednesday on the office mobile 0450 835 004 In the event one of these contacts are indisposed the alternates are: Associate Pastor Joshua Pfeiffer (0431 398 713), Vice Chairperson Tim Materne (0418 813 014), Finance Chairperson Martin Kaesler (0413 629 916), Office Administrator Lisa Thiele (0437 364 227