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Open for Easter

Dear members and friends of Bethlehem Lutheran Church,

The South Australian Government announced yesterday that the COVID social distancing regulations will change to allow 3 people per 4 square meters to attend church. This means our permitted numbers have grown considerably, to allow as many as 315 people without masks. In all our Holy Week services, there is now at least another 100 places available in addition to what we had before. We knew this may happen, but we were waiting for full confirmation.

At this very late stage, we would like to open up our Easter services to all who would like to attend.

You do not need to book in on Calendly (although it would help our ushers if you did.) You will still need to check in using a QR code or sign in manually when you arrive. For people who have already booked in, nothing will change, your booking is unaffected.  

You do not need to wear a mask. (There is another regulation which would allow churches with fixed seating to operate at full capacity if everyone wore a mask. We have decided not to pursue this option.)

Please, feel welcome to come to Church and celebrate Easter with us this weekend. We will still be livestreaming many services but it would be wonderful to see you in person. Please don’t stay away because you’re worried about the booking process…rest assured that you do no longer need to book for church this weekend.  

Thank you and God Bless,

Pastor Fraser Pearce and Pastor Joshua Pfeiffer