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Sunday Night in the City: 3 July 2022

Sunday Night In The City

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Click on the following link to view the 7pm Worship Service:

7pm Worship Service  

Bible Readings

  • Isaiah 9:2-6 The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light
  • Acts 13:16-23 God has brought to Israel a Saviour, Jesus, as he promised
  • Psalm 110 Assurance of victory for God's priest-king
  • Luke 34:16-21 The rejection of Jesus at Nazareth

Bible Readings for the month ahead

7 August: ‘That believing you may have life in his name’: The ministry of Jesus Christ Biblical books: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

 Texts for the Divine Service:          

 Recommended Pre-Reading: 
Recommended on YouTube: 
  • Search for ‘The Bible Project Matthew’, and likewise for the other books