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Worship: Sunday 23 July 2023

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

Click on the following for the livestream service link:

9:00 am Matins p.34 with organ and choir

11:00 am Holy Communion Responsive with Instrumental

 7:00 pm Holy Communion p. 20 with Organ

Bible Readings

Hymns 9am and 7 pm

  • LH 439 I will sing my maker's praise
  • LH 259 Speak, O Lord, They servant heareth
  • TIS 547 Be Thou my vision
  • Canticle LH 669 Salvator Mundi
  • TIS 553 In all my ways, in every task


To listen to an audio of the sermon click on the following link:

Sermon Sunday 23 July 2023 Pastor Joshua Pfeiffer

Children's pages

Children's pages Sunday 23 July 2023


Grant us, Lord, the spirit to think and do always what is right, so that we,
who cannot do anything that is good without You, may by You be enabled to live according to Your will; through Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.

Bible Readings for the week ahead