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Worship: Sunday 5 March 2023

Second Sunday in Lent

9:00 am Holy Communion Service

11:00 am Service of the Word

7:00 pm Vespers

Bible Readings


Click on link to listen to the audio of the Sermon:

Sermon Sunday 5 March 2023

Prayer of the Church

Prayer of the Church Sunday 5 March 2023

Bible Readings for the week ahead

  • Monday: Isaiah 65:1-16 The Righteousness of God’s Judgement
  • Tuesday: Isaiah 65:17-25 The glorious new creation
  • Wednesday: Matthew 26:26-46  The Institution of the Lord’s Supper; 

    Peter’s Denial Foretold; Jesus prays in Gethsemane; 

  • Sunday 12 March readings:
  • Thursday: Exodus 17:1-7 The Israelites put God to the test
  • Friday: Psalm 95 A Call to Worship and Obedience
  • Saturday: Romans 5:1-11 While we were still sinners, Christ died for us
  • Sunday: John 4:5-42 Jesus and the Samaritan woman