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Worship: Sunday 30 April 2023

Good Shepherd Sunday

For link to 9 am service:  9:00 am Holy Communion

11:00 am Holy Communion

7:00 pm Holy Communion

Bible Readings


Almighty God, since You have brought back from the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep, to call us into His flock through his word: Grant us Your Holy Spirit, so that we may hear the voice of the Good Shepherd and faithfully follow Him; who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen

Children's Page

Sunday 30 April, Good Shepherd Sunday

Bible Readings for the week ahead

  • Monday: John 9:35-41 Spiritual blindness
  • Tuesday: Romans 2:1-17 The righteous judgement of God 
  • Wednesday: Romans 5:1-11 Results of justification
  • Fourth Sunday of Easter readings Sunday 30 April:
  • Thursday: Acts 7:55-60 The death of Stephen
  • Friday: Psalm 31 Prayer and Praise for Deliverance from Enemies
  • Saturday: 1 Peter 2:2-10 God’s chosen people, a royal priesthood
  • Sunday: John 14:1-14 Jesus the way to the Father