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bethlehem lutheran church background

2023 Sermons

Date Church Day Title Pastor Bible Text Listen + Read
16th Apr Second Sunday of Easter Imperishable, Undefiled and Unfading Dr Stephen Pietsch
1 Peter 1:3-9
9th Apr Easter Sunday The good news of the Resurrection of Christ Pastor Fraser Pearce
Matthew 28:1-10
9th Apr Easter Sunday Easter Sunday Evening Dr Stephen Pietsch
Isaiah 25:6-9
7th Apr Good Friday Handed Over Dr Stephen Pietsch
Isaiah 52-53; John 18-19
6th Apr Maundy Thursday Maundy Thursday Pastor Fraser Pearce
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
2nd Apr Palm Sunday The mind that was in Christ Jesus Dr Stephen Pietsch
Philippians 2:5-11
26th Mar Fifth Sunday in Lent Our bodies and the Holy Spirit Pastor Fraser Pearce
John 11:1-45
19th Mar Fourth Sunday in Lent Siloam Dr Stephen Pietsch
John 9:1-45
12th Mar Third Sunday in Lent Hope in Suffering Pastor Fraser Pearce
Romans 5:1-11
5th Mar Second Sunday in Lent Reborn from above Dr Stephen Pietsch
John 3:1-17

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