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bethlehem lutheran church background

2018 Sermons

Date Church Day Title Pastor Bible Text Listen + Read
3rd Jun Pentecost 2 Purpose of the Sabbath Pastor Fraser Pearce
Mark 2:23-3:6
27th May Holy Trinity Sunday Heirs of God Pastor Fraser Pearce
Romans 8:12-18
20th May Pentecost The advocate for Christ Pastor Joshua Pfeiffer
John 15:26,27;16:4b-15
13th May Easter 7 The way of the righteous Pastor Fraser Pearce
Psalm 1
6th May Easter 6 Laying down your life Pastor Joshua Pfeiffer
John 15:9-17
29th Apr Easter 5 How do you know God? Pastor Fraser Pearce
1 John 4:7-21
22nd Apr Easter 4 (Good Shepherd Sunday) What makes the Good Shepherd 'Good'? Pastor Joshua Pfeiffer
John 10:11-18
15th Apr Easter 3 Too good to be true Pastor Joshua Pfeiffer
Luke 24:36b-48
8th Apr Easter 2 Thomas sees and believes Pastor Fraser Pearce
John 20:19-31
1st Apr Easter Sunday THE good news Pastor Joshua Pfeiffer
1 Corinthians 15:1-11

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